what is ED 6
u5305 u830e u3075 u306b u3083 u3061 u3093 u30dd u304c u52c3 u8d77
u3010 u9854 u4ed8 u304d u3011 u3010 u5de8 u6839 u30c7 u30ab u30de u30e9 u3011 u90e8 u6d3b u5f8c u306b u5148 u8f29 u304c u516c u5712 u5c4b u5916 u30aa u30ca u30cb u30fc u3001 u30c7 u30ab u30de u30e9 u3092 u30b7 u30b4 u3044 u3066 u5927 u91cf u5c04 u7cbe uff01 uff01
His masturbation is greedy and formal I was not satisfied with the adult toys and finished with a hand job